Pneumonia - Risk Stratification
Risk Stratification for Pneumonia: Openshaw made a great point today that complicated patients like this one likely don’t fit well into commonly used scoring systems. For less complicated patients, risk stratification with the PSI/PORT score or the CURB-65 score can be helpful in determining appropriate triage
<51 = class I (0.1% mortality) Home on oral Abx ok
<70 = Class II (0.6% mortality) Home on oral Abx ok.
71-90 = Class III (1.0% mortality) O/n admission or very close f/u
91-130 = Class IV (10% mortality) Hospitalize for Abx and monitoring
>130 = Class V (27% mortality) Hospitalize for Abx and monitoring
CURB-65: (Confusion, Uremia, Resp rate, Blood pressure, age>65)
Score of 0 to 1 can be managed as outpatients
Score of 2 should be admitted to a hospital ward
Score of 3 or higher often require ICU care
(Andy Copland MD, 6/6/11)