Infectious Disease
Approach to Fever in Hospitalized (or Recently Hospitalized) Patients
Bullous Hemorrhagic Cellulitis
Brain Mass, Abscess (Approach to fever/headache)
Candidura, Candidemia and Candidal Endocarditis
Cardiac Device Infections (Pacemakers/ICD's)
Fever and Pulmonary Infiltrates in Immunocompromised Hosts (Approach)
Fever and Rash in Immunocompromised Patients
Fever in the Returning Traveler
Fever of Unknown Origin & Drug Fevers
Gentamicin Therapy in Endocarditis
Group B Strep Infections (Overview)
Interferon Gamma Release Assays (IGRA) for Tb Testing
Liver Lesions, Abcesses & Hydatid Cysts
Opportunstic Infections in HIV
Pulmonary Nodules (Multiple) - DDx
Skin Contamination and Blood Cultures